The team at Mission Mechanical Inc. has a depth of experience in all aspects of the design and installation of mechanical heating systems and equipment.
- ✔ Boilers: Natural Gas, Propane, Oil and Electric
- ✔ Steam Systems and Equipment: Including high and low pressure steam boilers, condensate feed systems, and boiler feed systems, de-aerators, heat exchangers, pressure reducing stations, steam traps, gate and globe valves, strainers, etc.
- ✔ Hot Water Heating Systems: Including standard and high efficiency boilers, circulation pumps, valves, expansion tanks, air eliminators, grooved fittings, flow metering and the requirements for system hydraulic balancing, reverse return and direct return hot water heating systems and equipment
- ✔ Circulating Pumps: Including inline, end suction, split case, vertical turbine and positive displacement
- ✔ Direct Gas Fired Make-Up Air Units: For kitchens, vehicle maintenance facilities, parking garages, and special situations
- ✔ Gas Fired Rooftop AHUs
Our experience and knowledge in all aspects of heating systems allows us to not only install and/or repair systems appropriately but to also spot potential issues and problems before they occur.